Continuation of Lauren Almeida’s testimony
Prosecution:And how old do the children in that photograph?
LA: If I had to guess, I think maybe Christian and Constantine are six or seven and the boys are 9 or 10 and Noelle three or four, and it looks like they're in a classroom. Prosecution: Page 15 admitted as a full exhibit. May I publish to the jury judgment?
Judge: Well, it's better to take a long time to do it that way, Attorney McGinnis. You should hold it up and show it to the jurors.
Prosecution: That's fine, Judge. Thank you, Sir. Publishing states, 15 and 14. Prosecution: When we left off yesterday, Miss Almeida, you had indicated that you were familiar with the defendant. Is that correct?
LA: Yes.
Prosecution: Where did you meet the defendant in Miami?
LA: At the Ski club. Prosecution: When did you meet the defendant?
LA: March of 2017. Prosecution: How long after your arrival in Miami did you meet? LA: Probably like the next day or a few days after 'cause we went right to the ski club. Prosecution: And can you describe this ski club for the jury? LA: There's like a gate that you kind of throw in. And then there was everyone's boats like kind of in like a port. And they would take out the boat to go into the water. And it was a pretty narrow like lake. And it was used for water skiing. And there was like a little outdoor area that had a tent and a table that you could hang out if you weren't skiing.
Prosecution: Was it a public ski club or was it a private ski club?
LA: Private. Prosecution: Did Mr. Doulos own a boat?
LA: Yes.
Prosecution: When did he purchase a boat? LA: I'm not entirely sure the exact like month, but I think it was like… Six months to a year prior to that trip in 2017.
Prosecution: What type of boat was it? LA: A ski nautique? I might be getting that wrong. It was a ski… It was made for skiing. Prosecution: Where did he keep the boat?
LA: In Miami.
Prosecution: And when did he travel to Miami? Often?
LA: Yeah. Often. Often, yeah. Prosecution: And did he keep the boat in a particular place In Miami?
LA: He kept it at the ski club. Prosecution: When you met the defendant, was she with anyone else?
LA: Her daughter, Nicole. Prosecution: And what was her daughter’s age if you recall? LA: They’re 17 year old boys now, so maybe 12, probably 11 like around that age.
Prosecution: Did Jennifer ever go to the ski club in Miami?
LA: No. Prosecution: Where would Jennifer stay if she wasn't at the ski club?
LA: Well, her mom was visiting at the time too, so she was with her mom at the hotel. Or with the youngest Noelle, who would come to the ski club sometimes, but not as much as the other kids. Prosecution: How many times while you were in Miami during this March 2017 trip would you say you were in the defendant’s presence? LA: A few times.
Prosecution: And had the children met the defendant before? LA: Yeah, I think prior to that. Yeah, so when we got there they were calling her Mitchie. And so it's… And maybe hugged her… so like they already knew her. I believe it was just the two boys. So Petros and Theodore, I think Christiane or Constantine or Noelle hadn't met her yet. Prosecution: Would Mr. Doulos travel to Miami with the older boys, Petros and Theodore? LA: Yeah. Prosecution: Can you describe your interactions with the defendant at the ski club for the jury?
LA: Yes, Fotis introduced her as a friend and she was nice. She was with Fotis a lot like they go on the boat to ski. But there was one time I had a conversation with her when we were underneath the little tent where you can kind of just hang out. I remember the conversation she was telling me she just got back from Colorado. She was looking at schools to go for her daughter to go to cause her daughter was a very good snow skier, so she wanted her to. I think it better or more opportunities there I guess. But she was friendly. Prosecution: When you interacted with the defendant, what language did you speak to her in? English?
LA: Yes. In English. Prosecution: Did she have any trouble communicating with you in English when you spoke with her?
LA: No.
Prosecution: Did the Doulos children interact with the defendants daughter, Nicole?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: And I want to direct your attention specifically to Petros. What was his interaction with Nicole? LA: It was kind of known that maybe Nicole was his girlfriend. He was 11, but in that sense… Prosecution: Was Jennifer ever in the defendants presence during the Miami trip in 2017?
LA: No. Prosecution: Did Jennifer remain in Miami with the family for the entire trip?
LA: No, she didn't. Prosecution: Can you describe to the jury or explain to the jury why Jennifer did not stay in Miami for the entire trip?
LA: So her mom was with us like I mentioned, and she tripped and she ended up breaking her ankle, so they had to fly back early so she coud get it taken care of and she took Noelle with her. So they left a few days before the trip ended.
Prosecution: Where did her mother trip? LA: I was like, I think it was by the pool. She slipped.
Prosecution: You say by the pool. Which pool are you referring to? LA: Of the pool in Miami at the hotel. Prosecution: And just to remind the members of the jury, what hotel were you staying at?
LA: The W. Prosecution: If we can be as precise as possible, approximately how many days were you in Miami before Jennifer left? LA: I think it was like two or three days, so it was towards the end of the trip. Prosecution: And after Jennifer left Miami, who stayed behind?
LA: I stayed with Fotis and the other four kids. Prosecution: Did you guys ever go to the ski club again?
LA: Yeah.
Prosecution: And was the defendant present?
LA: Yeah. Prosecution: Did there come a point in time when you were no longer staying in the W? LA: Yeah.
Prosecution: Can you tell the jury what happened? LA: There was one night where Fotis said that we had to stay in a different hotel and so we drove to the Ritz-Carlton, but it was only going to be me and the four kids and so… because he was going to stay with a friend… he didn't really go into specifics. It was just kind of odd, but I disagreed. And so it was the four kids and myself. And we stayed in one room together for that one night and then we had to get up at like 5:00 AM to get an Uber to meet him at the another ski club. Prosecution: And when you say all of you stayed in one room, how many beds were in this room?
LA: 1 bed. Yeah. On the on the bed, I think I was in with Christiane Constantine in the bigger bed and Theodore was probably sleeping on the other… we had a cot… and then maybe someone on the floor. Prosecution: When Jennifer was in Miami, were you all sharing a room like this?
LA: No.
Prosecution: What were the living… What were the arrangements when Jennifer was in Miami?
Defense: Objection. Relevance. Judge: The Court is not to know if this is preliminary or a more material matter, the court will overrule the object. LA: We had more like a suite room, so there was multiple bedrooms, so that way there was more space for us to be and like a living, a common living space and a kitchen space also. Prosecution: Did you ever see the defendant outside of the Miami Ski Club?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Where did you see her?
LA: We went to laser tag one day. It was after the ski club, so it's probably like later afternoon into the evening. Prosecution: And what type of place? LA: It was like one of those places I had an arcade and pizza and laser tag. I don't, I don't remember the name. Prosecution: When you got to the Facility… Can you describe to the jury what happened? LA: Yeah, So I went in and I just kind of went right to the register to like pay for everyone. And so I was kind of ran and asked her and it's like, no, no, no, you can't. Like he wanted like make sure that he was the one paying was just kind of (?) have Michelle. It was very just a weird interaction. And I just told him I just don't, I don't want to do laser tag because I was tired and I didn't want to play laser tag. And laser tag with that many kids is very tiring. But he was pushing me to play laser tag, which was just kind of weird. So I ended up having to play laser tag while Michelle and Fotis hung out outside. Prosecution: I just want to be clear about this, when you say he was pushing you to play laser tag, who are you referring to?
LA: Fotis. Prosecution: And where… You indicated that they did not complete laser check babying the defendant and Mr. Doulos, where did they stay while you were playing laser tag? LA: Because it was like the arcade kind of space… There were tables and stuff that you can kind of hang out on while the kids were in laser tag. Prosecution: Was anyone else present besides you, the children, Mr. Doulos and Michelle Traconis?
LA: I think Nicole was there also.
Prosecution: did she play laser tag?
LA: Yeah. Prosecution: You indicated earlier that Mr. Doulos did not spend the night at the hotel when you go with the children after Jennifer left. Is that correct?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Did Mr. Doulos—Strike that. Where did you end up meeting with Mr. Dulos after spending the night at the hotel with the children?
LA: We went to a different ski club in Boca, so we took an Uber there to meet him there in the morning. Prosecution: When did you leave Miami? LA: We got in around 11 and we went back to their house in Farmington until about midnight. Prosecution: Who was on the flight with you? LA: Myself and the four kids. Prosecution: Mr. Dulos did not travel back with the family?
LA: No, he extended his trip. Prosecution: How did you get back from the airport Airport to… I assume 4 Jefferson Crossing?
LA: We took an Uber. Prosecution: And what time did you arrive?
LA: Probably around midnight? I don't remember exactly.
Prosecution: Was Jennifer awake?
LA: Yeah, she greeted us. Prosecution: And did you speak with Jennifer?
LA: I did. Prosecution: Did you spend the night at home that night?
LA: Oh, no, I went back to my home. Prosecution: Did Jennifer discuss with you believe she had about Mr. Dulos?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: What did she say to you? LA: She told me, ‘he is having an affair and I have proof.’ I think through e-mail and receipts she found out that he went on a trip to Utah with Michelle and a friend of his and his girlfriend. I think she just knew it and she's again very soft spoken, so she seems sad, but also just kind of like she's trying to figure out what to do. And she asked if I not mention anything. LA: Can you repeat the question?
Prosecution: I will try. Did she indicate to you whether or not she planned to confront the schedules about the affair?
LA: Oh yeah, she asked me before she told me that she was going to, and she asked me not to mention anything to him or to anyone. Prosecution: And did you eventually speak with Jennifer about her intentions regarding the future of their marriage. LA: It kind of changed throughout time what her intentions were.
Prosecution: OK can you describe to the jury what you mean by that?
So I was in the house the next day and when photos arrived too. And so when I got to the house, she pulled me aside and told me that she spoke to photos and he admitted to the affair and that she was going to try and have this be as civil as possible. She opened up more, saying that she was no longer in love with photos, but she wanted to workout what they could. Prosecution: And directing your attention out to April 2017. Would Jennifer make any requests of you as to whether or not you would stay on as the nanny? LA: Yeah, the next few weeks. Things are changing. And so her plan changed and she asked me to go with her when she was planning to move, and I agreed. Prosecution: Where did this conversation take place? LA: At a coffee shop in Avon, which is the town right next to Farmington. Prosecution: Were you still employed by The Fore Group at this time?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Why did you decide to go with her? LA: Because she was my friend and I trusted her. And I wanted to help her. Prosecution: Did you ever talk to Mr. Dulos about your future report? LA: Yeah, at that time I've been working for four groups for a few years and I just had no interest in it at all. And so I didn't see your future with Fore Group anymore. Prosecution: Did you give your notice?
LA: I did. It was going to be for the end of May. Prosecution: I want to direct your attention now to April and May of 2017. Was Jennifer still living at 4 Jefferson Crossing?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Were she & Fotis still sleeping in the same bedroom?
LA: No. Prosecution: Where were they sleeping? LA: Jennifer was in their master bedroom and they had a third floor office but also bedroom and so Fotis was up there. Prosecution: Can you describe the dynamic between Mr. Dulos and Jennifer in April 2017? LA: They were arguing a lot. Pause for long objection.
Prosecution: The question is, can you describe what you saw? LA: So one day I was, I drove their family car often. It was a Suburban and I was driving through their garage. There's kind of this like little, I don't know, I guess like brushes or garage and their garage and then you drive through. So I was driving through and pulling into the garage and as I was doing that in their backyard patio, I saw photos kind of chasing Jennifer with this piece of paper. Another objection from Defense on grounds of prior bad acts being inadmissible.
Judge: Well, at this point, the testimony is that voters was chasing around Jennifer with a piece of paper. Description of that act as a prior bad act is not evident of a court. Prosecution: I don't remember the exact question, but we were discussing an incident that you witnessed… LA: So after I pulled into the garage, they saw me pull in and they both went inside. And so I had some of the kids in the car. I don't remember we were coming back from, but we walked in through the garage to the mud room to the kitchen and I just kind of like focused on the kids, getting them to where they needed to be. And it was later on that Jennifer told me. Prosecution: Don't tell me what Jennifer said to you about the interaction. I want you to describe Jennifer's demeanor as you saw her being chased with a piece of paper.
LA: She looked scared. Absolutely terrified. Prosecution: And can you describe Mr. Doulos as the mayor for the jury during that sort of interaction? LA: He looked angry. Prosecution: Did you ever witness, Mr. Duros to make any threats about the children? LA: Yes.
Prosecution: And did he make these threats in Jennifer's presence?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: What type of threat did you hear him make to Jennifer?
LA: That he would take the kids to Greece and not come back. Prosecution: And did Jennifer ever express her fear to you that that would happen?
LA: Yeah, a lot. Prosecution: When was this threat made? LA: Through those couple months, so April, May, 2017. Prosecution: Did there come a time when Jennifer made a decision to leave for Jefferson Crossing?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Did she ask for your help in doing so?
LA: Yes. Prosecution: Describe to the jury what you did for Jennifer. LA: We were slowly moving things out of her 4 Jefferson house to a property that her parents owned in Pound Ridge, and to a friend's house in Farmington, things that Fotis wouldn't really notice being gone. Prosecution: What did she tell you about why she felt she needed to secretly move out of the house?
LA: Because she was afraid of what Fotis would do to her or with the kids if she filed for divorce while he was while they were living under the same roof. At first she was calm I thought it was really good of her because I wouldn't have been that calm, but she was very calm then over the weeks from after we got back from that spring break but then until we left in June, she was increasingly getting more afraid. Like her anxiety was really bad. You could tell that. She lost weight like she was just afraid. And expressed that a lot. Prosecution: And did there actually come a point in time with Jennifer was involved in a car accident?
LA: Yes. Jennifer called me because she was in Pound Ridge, where she was bringing stuff to the house that she was moving from 4 Jefferson. And she called me to tell me about the accident because she needed someone to come pick her up and she didn't want Fotis to know… because she didn't want Fotis to know that she was moving things into another house. Prosecution: Did Fotis have family who visited 4 Jefferson Crossing around that time? LA: Yes. His niece and… I don't know if it's her boyfriend or fiance at the time, Nacho and where were they from? They were living in Madrid. Prosecution: And while they were visiting, did you witness another argument between Mr. Dulos and Jennifer? LA: Yeah, I was in one of the kids rooms… So I was in one of the kids rooms and we were just doing a puzzle together & all of a sudden like we started to hear screaming and Jennifer ran through the bedroom door. I don't believe that she knew that we were in there, but she ran through the door. Fotis was yelling. I'm not sure what he was yelling. And she closed the door behind her and pushed her body up against the door and he was trying to get in. And I mean her face was just, she was terrified and she saw that myself and her daughter were there. And to be honest, I kind of froze because I didn't know what to do. And then when he pushed the door more, he saw that his daughter and myself were in there and his demeanor totally changed. He went from yelling to like, ‘Jennifer. I just wanna talk.’ Like very soft spoken it was so weird. And so eventually he walked away, 'cause myself and her daughter were there. She told me she needed to get out of the house. And so she left me with the kids, and she just got in the car. And I think she just went down the street to really just like, kind of catch her breath.
End of testimony for the moment. Court goes to recess for morning break.