- C4 - over 1k camera views
Video Times
- 7:31:27 - Visible on Albany from Blue Hills West cam far in distance
- 7:32:05 - right on Milford
- 7:32:16 - out of range - south on Milford
- 7:38:43 - in view on Garden and Albany
- 7:39:01 - Stop at Garden and Albany - Milagros
- 7:40:57 - approaches Center intersection
- 7:40:55 - U-turn complete
- 7:41:11 - stops at Green street
- 7:47:39 — stops at Adams Street
- 7:50:00 - Raptor goes out of view westbound
Albany 5/25/19 6:49:55 AM - someone goes through the trash