Greek: Ανδρέας Τουτζιαρίδης
Pronunciation: Toot-zee-ah-ree-thees (a Greek ‘D’ (Δ/δ) makes more of a ‘th’ sound.)
- Childhood & life long best friend of Fotis Dulos.
- More like brothers.
- He & Fotis remained extraordinarily close even after Fotis moved to the United States.
- Resides in Athens, Greece.
- Mobile phone seized by DHS at Newark Int. Airport in connection with the investigation in to the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.
- Called Fotis on the morning of May 24, 2019; a call answered by Michelle Troconis as Fotis left his mobile phone at home.
- Recovered data showed Andreas sent Fotis a meme at the exact time he was (allegedly) killing Jennifer that strongly implies he was aware of what Fotis planned.
- No charges were ever brought against Andreas Toutziaridis. He remains innocent in the eyes of the law.