Sandra Birchmore
Died February 1 2021 Found February 4 2021
Sandra was found in her Canton, Massachusetts apartment. Initially ruled a suicide. She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Matthew Farwell
Former Police Officer Arrested August 28 2024
Farwell is accused of strangling Sandra and staging her apartment and body to look as though she took her own life.
More info:
Joshua Heal
Former Animal Control Officer
Joshua Heal is accused of giving Sandra Birchmore a cat in exchange for having sex. This took place at the animal control shelter.
Robert Devine
Former Chief, Head of Explorers Program
Was a sworn member of the Stoughton Police Department from October 4 1999 until he resigned on August 16 2022.
Also accused of having sex with Sandra Birchmore while he was on duty.
William Farwell
Former Police Officer